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Bonham should cut its tax rate –

BONHAM, Texas (KTEN) — A Bonham City Council meeting was held tonight to discuss budgets and a new tax rate for the coming year. City Council anticipates that the new rate will be a decrease for ratepayers.

This would represent a reduction of 9 cents for Bonham ratepayers from the current property tax. It would also add additional revenue to meet the city’s future needs.

Bonham City Manager Sean Pate said: “Because of all the growth we’re seeing in our area, we’re looking at a nine cent drop from our current tax rate, we’re at 65 cents, we’re proposing 56 cents, which is significant. .”

The meeting was also an opportunity for taxpayers to find out how much tax they will pay and where exactly they are headed.

“It gives the public an opportunity to voice concerns about the tax rate or services that were off-budget or off-budget,” said David Struchtemeyer, chief financial officer.

The council believes that speaking to the public each year on this subject is a key asset for the growth and increase in the population of the city.

“We’re doing a lot of planning and development,” City Manager Sean Pate said. “It’s always interesting for them to come and learn what’s going on.”