Industry: Technology
Age: 35
Site: Northeastern Wisconsin
My salary: $163,000 ($125,000 base + 15% bonus + ~$20,000 RSUs)
My husband’s salary: $67,000 (But he was just laid off, he’s currently living on severance pay.)
Net value : $661,000 (housing equity: $210,000 (house valued at $550,000, we owe $340,000), joint savings: $40,000, personal savings: $4,000, Ellevest funds: $9,000, stocks and RSUs $75,000, 401(k): $210,000, husband’s personal savings: $32,000, husband 401(k): $67,000, my car: ~$5,000, boat: $35,000 less debt. )
Debt: $26,000 for my husband’s truck + $340,000 left on the mortgage
Amount of my paycheck (2x/month): $3,250 + $100/month for healthy activity reimbursement
Amount of my husband’s paycheck (2x/month): $1,983
Pronouns: She she
Monthly expenses
Mortgage: $3,500 (The minimum is $2,120, but we’re paying more so we can pay it back in about 10 years. I’m contributing $2,500 and my husband is contributing $1,000.)
Payment by truck: $750 (The loan is actually through his parents and will be paid off in less than three years.)
Joint savings: $1,000 (We each contribute the same amount each month.)
Ellevest: $1,000 (started when I finally paid off the student loans, this is for early retirement, not to be touched unless it’s an extreme emergency.)
Health insurance: $105 (deducted from paycheck for vision, dental, and excellent health coverage.)
Electric and Gas: $80 (My other half.)
Sewer: $14 (My significant other is so cheap because we have a well for water.)
Cable and Internet: $50 (My significant other, I also spent $50 on Internet through work.)
Spotify: $7.83 (My other half.)
Average: $5
Gym: $51 (Expenses.)
Call: $40
Annual expenses:
Car insurance: $340 (My other half.)
Boat insurance: $180 (My half.)
Beachbody Fitness Classes: $109 ($100 spent on work.)
Amazon: $60 (My other half.)
Financial donations: We donate sporadically, mostly to local causes and occasionally to GoFundMe initiatives. Last month, we sent $150 to a local women’s shelter (which was matched with employer matching) and $25 to a nature photographer on GoFundMe. We make sporadic donations to optimize the match with employers.