When COVID vaccines first came out, the CDC recommended waiting two weeks before or after getting another shot. Now, however, that focus has changed.
Cumberland County’s 14-day hospitalization rate for COVID-19 fell for the second straight week in data released Wednesday by the state Department of Health.
The county’s 14-day hospitalization rate was 12.9 Wednesday (the lowest rate since Aug. 6) according to the state Department of Health, down from 19.2 on Oct. 5 and 20.5 on September 30.
Hospitalization rates tend to increase after case rates increase. The county’s seven-day case rate continues to decline from August’s 50s rates. It sat at 25.1 on Wednesday, down from 27.6 on October 5, 35.7 on September 28, 36.6 on September 21 and 46.7 on September 14.
Cumberland County remained at the low level of community spread according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data as of October 13.
The CDC updates its community levels data every Thursday afternoon. It uses new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population (7-day total), new COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 population, and percentage of hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients (7-day average). days) to determine its high levels of community spread. , medium and low.
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Thursday’s update shows three counties in the state at high COVID community levels as of Oct. 13, down four from the previous week. No county is in the high category for the South Central region. The state has 36 mid-level counties, eight more than the previous week.
County data
The health department reported 176 cases and no deaths for Cumberland County in the past seven days, down 17 cases from the previous week. The county’s seven-day average for the number of cases fell to 25.1 from 27.6 on Oct. 5.
The south-central region totaled 19 deaths last week, three more than the previous week. York County has had seven deaths.
There were nine patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Cumberland County in Wednesday’s update, four fewer than last week.
There were no adults in intensive care and no one on a ventilator on Wednesday. Eleven adult intensive care beds remain open of the 69 currently staffed in the county, and 12 of the county’s 102 ventilators are in use.
Franklin County hospitalizations fell from five to 15 patients on Wednesday, with two of its 27 currently staffed intensive care beds available. There are no adults in intensive care and no one on a ventilator.
Dauphin County hospitalizations rose by four to 38 patients on Wednesday, with 16 of its 167 currently staffed intensive care beds available. There are five adults in intensive care and one on a ventilator.
Vaccine Update (October 13)
In data updated Wednesday night, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 73.5% of Cumberland County’s population is fully immunized. The CDC also reported that 77.4% of the population 5 and older are vaccinated and 80.8% of the population 12 and older are fully vaccinated.
The CDC also reported that 46.3% of the county’s fully vaccinated population received a booster shot.
Start Warning Dashbboard update (Oct. 12)
Cumberland County showed a decrease in its percentage of COVID-19 positivity and its incidence rate per 100,000 people in the Department of Health’s weekly update of its alert monitoring system dashboard early.
The county’s positivity percentage fell to 15.6% for the week of Oct. 5-11, from 18.3% the previous week. The incidence rate per 100,000 people fell to 50.1, from 56.0 the previous week, 65.5 two weeks ago, 85.6 three weeks ago.
Franklin County has the highest incidence rate in the Midstate at 130.3, with Bradford leading the state at 187.3. Cumberland County has the highest percentage positivity rate in the Midstate at 17.9%, with Warren County leading the state at 36.1%.
County numbers in the South Central region (updated October 12 – weekly totals):
- Adams County (pop. 103,009): 101 new cases; 29,031 total cases (24,381 confirmed, 4,650 probable); 395 deaths; 57.5% of county population vaccinated
- Bedford County (pop. 47,888): 40 new cases; 12,241 total cases (8,185 confirmed, 4,056 probable); 283 deaths; 40% of county population vaccinated
- Blair County (pop. 121,829): 126 new cases; 33,375 total cases (26,608 confirmed, 6,767 probable); 651 deaths (+2); 54.7% of county population vaccinated
- Cumberland County (population 253,370): 180 new cases; 58,897 total cases (44,535 confirmed, 14,362 probable); 932 deaths; 73.5% of county population vaccinated
- Dauphin County (278,299 inhabitants): 209 new cases; 67,701 total cases (55,920 confirmed, 11,781 probable); 1,015 deaths (+4); 66.3% of county population vaccinated
- Franklin County (pop. 155,027): 231 new cases; 47,099 total cases (39,492 confirmed, 7,607 probable); 745 deaths (+1); 51.4% of county population vaccinated
- Fulton County (pop. 14,530): 23 new cases; 4,740 total cases (2,525 confirmed, 2,215 probable); 69 deaths; 37.1% of county population vaccinated
- County of Huntingdon (45,144 inhabitants): 47 new cases; 13,063 total cases (10,906 confirmed, 2,157 probable); 264 deaths (+1); 52.8% of county population vaccinated
- Juniata County (pop. 24,763): 19 new cases; 5,441 total cases (4,999 confirmed, 442 probable); 187 deaths (+2); 41.9% of county population vaccinated
- County of Lebanon (141,793 inhabitants): 135 new cases; 41,912 total cases (36,093 confirmed, 5,819 probable); 539 deaths (+2); 58.5% of county population vaccinated
- Mifflin County (pop. 46,138): 61 new cases; 14,105 total cases (13,331 confirmed, 774 probable); 289 deaths; 51.5% of county population vaccinated
- Perry County (pop. 46,272): 30 new cases; 9,825 total cases (7,588 confirmed, 2,237 probable); 192 deaths; 50.8% of county population vaccinated
- York County (population 449,058): 467 new cases; 137,108 total cases (114,240 confirmed; 22,868 probable); 1,582 deaths (+7); 61.2% of county population vaccinated
COVID-19 Early Warning Monitoring System Dashboard (October 5 to October 11):
(Counties with a positivity percentage greater than 5% in one week are on the Department of Health’s watch list)
- Pennsylvania:
- Percentage of positivity – 11.7% Last 7 days (12.4% previous 7 days)
- Incidence rate per 100,000 people in the last 7 days – 73.2 (78.1 previous 7 days)
- Adams County:
- Percentage of positivity – 9.6% Last 7 days (9.8% of last 7 days)
- Incidence rate per 100,000 people in the last 7 days – 79.6 (78.6 previous 7 days)
- Cumberland County:
- Percentage of positivity – 15.6% Last 7 days (18.3% previous 7 days)
- Incidence rate per 100,000 people in the last 7 days – 50.1 (56.0 previous 7 days)
- Dauphin County:
- Percentage of positivity – 13.1% Last 7 days (14.6% previous 7 days)
- Incidence rate per 100,000 people in the last 7 days – 56.4 (60.4 previous 7 days)
- Franklin County:
- Percentage of positivity – 11.7% Last 7 days (13.1% previous 7 days)
- Incidence rate per 100,000 people in the last 7 days – 119.3 (132.2 previous 7 days)
- County of Lebanon:
- Percentage of positivity – 8.2% Last 7 days (12.9% previous 7 days)
- Incidence rate per 100,000 people in the last 7 days – 64.9 (96.6 previous 7 days)
- Perry County:
- Percentage of positivity – 24.7% Last 7 days (15.2% previous 7 days)
- Incidence rate per 100,000 people in the last 7 days – 45.4 (47.5 last 7 days)
- County of York:
- Percentage of positivity – 9.6% Last 7 days (11.5% previous 7 days)
- Incidence rate per 100,000 people in the last 7 days – 76.4 (87.3 previous 7 days)
Email Naomi Creason at ncreason@cumberlink.com or follow her on Twitter @SentinelCreason.