After the BJP governments in Assam and Uttar Pradesh announced their intention to implement a population control policy, Rajasthan Health and Health Minister Raghu Sharma on Wednesday extended his support for legal measures to control population growth. “Population growth is a matter of great concern. It is high time for the country to think about controlling it,” Mr. Sharma said.
While giving details of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign to reporters here, Sharma said the increase in population has had a negative impact on development activities and vaccination during the pandemic. “Our resources are under enormous pressure,” he said.
“The country must think about controlling the population, so that future generations can benefit from better education, health care and other facilities for a better quality of life… It is time for Hum Do, Hamara Ek [We two and one child]said Mr. Sharma.
The Minister claimed that he had raised the issue earlier in several forums, from the slogan, Hum Do, Hamarey Do [We both and two children], was invented in the country.
Congress-ruled Rajasthan has legal provisions to disqualify candidates for panchayat elections and government jobs if they have more than two children. Under Section 19(l) of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994, no one can become a Panch or a member of any Panchayati Raj institution if he has more than two children.
The previous BJP government had relaxed the two-child standard in the case of a child with different abilities.