The power of emotional marketing

Emotional marketing is the deliberate use of persuasive messages that tap into human emotion to establish a deep connection with the audience in order to achieve the desired result. Often it appeals to a single emotion. It can be fear, anger, joy, or any other human emotion strong enough to influence decision-making or prompt action.

Consumers or people in general feel uncomfortable when their emotions are not processed. They must therefore free themselves of it and act accordingly. As a result, more often than not, this action gives companies better sales figures.

According to one study, advertisements and marketing efforts with an above-average consumer emotional response caused a 23% increase in sales compared to average advertisements.

Emotional marketing typically touches on a singular emotion, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or fear, to evoke a consumer response. You can evoke different emotions depending on your product and industry. This will impact your marketing strategies and make them as powerful as possible.

Obviously, emotional marketing is good practice if you want to grow. Not convinced yet? Let’s look at some of the main benefits of emotional marketing for your business.

Benefits of emotional marketing

Easy to connect

The first and foremost benefit of emotional marketing is that it makes your content extremely easy for your audience to connect with. The more relevant your content, the easier it is for you to connect with your audience.

In marketing, it’s all about reach; reach as many people as possible and sell your product/service to them. With emotional marketing, you make your content shareable. We share content that makes us feel a certain way. So if your product, service, blog, or social post is designed to elicit emotional attraction, your audience is more likely to be compelled to share it. As a result, you will have more range.

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Easy to remember

Your marketing that aims to elicit emotions and if successful, it will definitely leave a mark. Every time your consumer looks at your product, the same feeling is associated with it.

We are all looking for people who understand us, who understand our fears, our limits, our challenges and who somehow have answers. As a business, you also have the power to do this with your marketing. So your consumers will not only remember the content you created, but also the product, service or brand associated with it.
Call to action

As a brand, what you want are your customers’ engagements with your products. This commitment translates into greater reach. Emotional marketing is a very powerful tool to elicit a purchase or two. It also encourages people to engage with your brand, which can help grow your business and your brand.

Loyal clients

Emotions are very powerful. It only takes one action to evoke an emotion and have a lasting effect, just like emotional marketing. If you happen to evoke emotions with your marketing efforts, it will have a lasting positive impact on your customer. As a result, they will bond with you and stay loyal to you. Placing more value on your relationship and how they feel when working with you will inspire loyalty and they will become long-term customers.


This is probably the advantage of emotional marketing companies that is not talked about enough. There is immense self-satisfaction in offering a great product and sending a strong message to its customers. With emotional marketing, you will know intimately how you are helping to transform people’s lives, which will increase your confidence and positivity. Connecting with your customers on an emotional level will not only help you build your brand or improve your bank account, but it will also improve your outlook on life.

How does emotional marketing work?

Although there are almost 30 identified emotions that humans experience minute by minute, they mostly come from these four basic emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, and anger.
Emotions are such a part of our life experience as human beings that we feel at least one emotion 90% of the time. For more than 21 hours of the day we feel some kind of emotion, which means that we are emotional beings even when we sleep.

Everything we do, from the clothes we wear to the people we love, stems from our emotions. So yes, creating a content marketing strategy that taps into human emotions is a very good idea. Luckily for you, marketing teams big and small have already studied this and learned a few things you can easily incorporate into your own marketing campaigns.

last line

Business owners can use emotional marketing to increase the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. The key is to develop an advertising concept that speaks directly to the consumers you plan to target, capitalizing on the emotions they are likely to feel at this stage of their life. The content and aesthetic of your marketing campaign should work together to create a cohesive message in line with the emotional appeal you hope to make.