We need population control
It is instinctive for people to reproduce and have as many children as they want, and any attempt to interfere with this trait is usually met with fierce resistance.
However, in today’s increasingly crowded and polluted world, our growing populations will soon be forced to choose between controlling the number of children people have in their families and seeing their population reduced by starvation, disease and predation.
In many parts of the world, we are already witnessing an increase in the death rate due to food and water shortages, disputes over territory and resources, and rising cases of suicide, genocide and ethnic cleansing. .
Fortunately, unlike less conscious life forms, we have the ability to choose between allowing our populations to be controlled in extremely harsh and inhumane ways or making reproduction at a replacement level the norm in our societies.
With 7.5 billion people in our societies and an increasingly hostile biosphere, we must all forget about money, politics, race and religion and make living with the sustainable survivability of our biosphere our highest common goal.
James L. Packard
Olympia, Washington
What is the reason for diversity visas?
What is the reason for the diversity visa program, supplementing our skilled workforce or stealing babies? It does not make sense.
Why do foreign countries tolerate America’s insidious hold on their local youth and talent? It’s one seduction after another. We suspend citizenship born in America; rights without contribution; employment without verification; endless visas and now diversity visas.
Talk about tearing families apart. All it did was introduce chain migration and open the door to terrorist infiltration.
Short-sighted cycling career politicians to work.
Why do we have immigration in the first place? Maybe because we are a prosperous industrialized country with zero population growth and what we need from foreign countries that we cannot produce here — children/mature talents.
Western Europe, with negative population growth for decades (their own rulers have no children), has opened its borders to uncontrolled immigration. The results are quite clear.
America and its career politicians are getting dumber every day.
David Withers
Early learning is key to literacy
Your November 30 article showed the interconnection between poor reading skills of disadvantaged children and the growing number of English learners with the impact of generational poverty.
Early childhood education is key to moving forward. The knowledge base needed for grade 3 reading requires pre-literacy skills that are learned as babies and cannot wait until kindergarten.
By fulfilling our state’s promise to provide excellent early learning programs for all children, we can solve these problems. High-quality early learning programs have been proven to prepare children for elementary school, reimbursing their cost by a factor of seven to one in savings through higher graduation rates. secondary schools, a lower incidence of arbitration and special educational needs.
At St. Michael’s School and Nursery, two-thirds of our children come from low-income families, many do not speak English at home, and generational poverty is a major factor in learning. Our goal is for every child to leave St. Michael’s fully prepared for kindergarten and a lifetime of learning.
We can provide high quality learning because we receive incentive payments – installment reimbursements – as a 5 star centre, and because we fundraise to ensure we achieve high quality.
Fully funding the Stars programs will prepare more children to succeed in school and read at the grade level. The state should restore full tiered reimbursement funding for new and enhanced Stars programs.
Susan Sherk
Stop harassing Trump
I’m tired of always reading something on the opinion page criticizing Trump. If that day’s editorial isn’t something critical of our president, a columnist with no connection to Delaware is.
I don’t know why we don’t have more opinions about the Democrats running this state in the ground. They keep spending, spending, taxing us to pay their expenses, taking more money out of our pockets. And they end up giving each other half of that money through dirty deals.
Stop writing about Trump all the time and write about our corrupt local politicians.
Len Williams
New Castle